Establish Your Exercise Habit within 90 days

Consistent movement is only one "step" away. Why not take this step together?

And while we're at it, let's condition your physiology to a peak state.

Every. Single. Day.

"Not only do I recommend working with him, I recommend him at the highest level."

Hameed S.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Repeated failure in establishing an exercise routine, making you feel disappointed.
  • No or little behavior change, even though you've "done the courses and read the books".
  • You struggle with overwhelm and mediocre work performance.

  • Stress is starting to affect your relationships.
  • You feel stuck or unfulfilled yet lack the energy to change it.
  • You neglect your physical health and well-being.

  • You are slipping back into old habits without accountability and support.

What if I showed you in 15 minutes a day you could

  • Enhance mental clarity leading to better decisions.
  • Increase resilience to bounce back more easily from setbacks and challenges.
  • Improve relationships because you are feeling more centered and balanced.

  • Nurture your health by consistently taking care of your body and mind.
  • Boost your mood and set yourself up to win the day.
  • Unleash your productivity and performance through stronger focus.

  • Tap into a strong support system that keeps you accountable and on track.



Gets You Results

I'm obsessed with helping you establish your Keystone Habit.

I created this program to combine the fundamental insights from all my previous studies, experiments and work with clients into one powerful yet simple system.

There's much smarter people out there than me, but smart ideas alone don't get you results.

"Knowledge is NOT power, only applied knowledge is power". –Jim Kwik

Simplicity Succeeds

Keepin' it simple.

Overwhelm leads to confusion, which leads to inaction.

That's why this program has a singular focus. Can you guess what it is?

The Cutting Edge

It's magical.

Exercise is the closest thing to a magic pill we've got.

Combining movement with breathing and visualization will shift your gear.

Every.Single.Day. ;)

Our Community

We're in this together.

You'll be matched with your buddy to stay accountable.

This is a proven method for increasing follow-through (and fun ;).

In addition, we all connect in our private Facebook group.

Consistent Support

Drop by.

With your purchase you get access to 3 months of group coaching (twice a week for 60 minutes with me on Zoom).

Your Kickoff

Your rules.

You can take a week to go through the basic course or you can do it in a day and get started tomorrow morning.

Once you've completed the Keystone Kickoff Workshop you can request your very own buddy.

Build Something Big

Tall structures need deep foundations.

Establishing your Keystone Habit will translate into all other areas of your life.

This is your investment in tomorrow, today.

This course will give you a solid footing to build on top of.


Your Pathway to

Habitual Success

Module 01 - Introduction

WHY The Keystone Habit Works

WHAT Makes It Work Universally

HOW This Course Is Unique

WHAT IF You Follow Through

WHAT IF You Don't Follow Through

Course Overview

Module 02 - The Keystone Habit

An Origin Story

Peak State Conditioning

15-30-45-60 Minutes

The Goal Of This 3-Month Course

The Habit Skill

The Power Of Momentum

Module 03 - The Keystone Kickoff Workshop

Gain Leverage

Set a New Direction

Write an Action Plan

Your Belief Audit

The Importance of Fun

Two Actions to Get Started

Creating a Winning Environment

Introducing Your Buddy

Module 04 - Foundational Tools For Strong Habits

The Power Of Streaks

Rebound Days & 1-2-3

Your Emotions in an Average Week

Dissecting Your Rationalizations

Modeling Your Past Successes

Keep Scoring

Tiny Celebrations


Reach The Next Level

In Body & Mind

Upon purchase, you'll receive...

Access to The Keystone Habit Course which begins with The Keystone Kickoff Workshop to help you anchor this new habit into your life.

You will also get...

Free updates for upcoming new content

Coaching twice per week on Zoom

Your very own buddy

Keystone Habit Community Membership

90 Days Money-Back Guarantee


Words from Satisfied Clients

Join those who have supercharged their lives already.

"Lukas has a way of keeping me on point, on the outcome, in a fun way, not too heavy."


Online Entrepreneur

"Lukas is very understanding.

He's a great listener with good POSITIVE advice and beneficial resources."


Computer Graphic Artist

"The work I’ve done with Lukas has actually been more beneficial to me than therapy. The exercises, the talks, the listening sessions.

I’m grateful to a high level for what he’s offered and the help he’s given me."


Musician & Writer

"Lukas is really caring, he knows his craft! I highly recommend him!"


Dating Expert

"I had the opportunity to speak with Lukas while I was going through a very difficult period in my life. Very grateful for his help and kind words."


Delivery Driver

"Lukas really helped me get some clarity during my time of emotional distress.

His strategies helped me. I highly recommend him if you need assistance in any way."


Digital Marketer

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.

This is one reason why meaningful change does not require radical change. Small habits can make a meaningful difference by providing evidence of a new identity. If a change is meaningful, it actually is big. That’s the paradox of making small improvements.

–James Clear, Atomic Habits


Frequently Asked Questions

What is "The Keystone Habit?"

The Keystone Habit is based on the same morning routine Anthony Robbins teaches. I believe it's the most effective way to start your day under the sun.

This course combines this powerful set of behaviors with a proven system for making it stick: group coaching, a personal buddy and an inspiring community.

Over the course of three months I will help you to consistently create powerful mornings that turn into fulfilling days, weeks and months.

We will lay or strengthen the foundation for you to thrive in your life moving forward.

All it takes is a minimum of 15 minutes per day.

Who is this for?

This program is for anyone who wants to develop a regular exercise habit, improve their emotional resilience and discover their zest for life (again).

It's designed for those who've tried numerous approaches and felt overwhelmed by information but underwhelmed by transformation.

This is for you if you want maximum results with the minimum amount of time and effort invested.

Who is this NOT for?

If you just want to load up on information and be passively entertained, this is not for you. Neither if you are allergic to changing your old ways and trying new things.

The course is light on content and heavy on execution. It includes all you need to make The Keystone Habit a foundational piece of your life.

Why does this program work?

The tools we use are scientifically proven beyond conjecture: Exercise, Gratitude and Mental Rehearsal.

Knowing without doing is the same as not knowing.

The magic lies in creating an environment where doing a combination of these powerful tools will become habitual and easy for you. That's when the real transformation has begun.

Will this work for me?

This program is different. Most people attempt change all on their own or by reading a book. In The Keystone Habit we create a social environment that will skyrocket your results.

Our weekly group calls plus your buddy and the community on Facebook will make you feel part of a team, where you can celebrate your wins and recover from your losses.

Commit to this journey and in three months time you'll need a telescope to look back at your current self! If you don't feel the same way, I'll refund you completely.

What if I'm too busy already?

"Not having enough time" is one of the biggest excuses why people don't exercise regularly. Keep in mind that exercise is proven to be one of the best remedies for excess stress.

The Keystone Habit is perfect if you're working a job, running your own business or herding your own family, because it only takes 15 to 60 minutes a day.

During that time you are setting yourself up to win for the day ahead.

What if I don't have time to exercise every morning?

I understand mornings can be busy, but what if I could show you that in just 15 minutes you can completely change the trajectory of your life?

Imagine starting your day feeling energized, inspired and accomplished before others have even had their first coffee.

If for whatever reasons mornings simply don't work, it can be done in the evening as well. However the morning is the best time to turbocharge your metabolism, get sunlight exposure and set yourself up to win first thing in the day.

You might have to get up a little earlier and shift things around a bit, but keep in mind: "If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting what you've always gotten."

Does this work with my existing routine?

Yes, you can integrate what you're currently doing with this program.

The goal is to get you moving and to condition your mind in a positive way every day. It doesn't matter if you jog, cycle, play tennis or swim (or just walk briskly).

There's a certain structure to this program and the Keystone Habit, yet you are free to adapt it and use the support provided in the program so it suits your specific needs and preferences.

What is the "buddy system"?

In addition to the accountability from our coaching calls and Facebook Group you will be matched with your very own buddy. Together you'll form a team and encourage each other to follow through.

This is by far the most powerful and simple intervention I have learned, participating in industry-leading mentorship programs.

You'll form a unique and satisfying relationship with your buddy, helping both of you to grow and tap into your potential.

The first time I experienced this myself in 2021. Three years later, my buddy from back then and me still connect on a call every week.

What will I receive on purchase?

Following your purchase you get access to the Keystone Habit Course and join our private Facebook Group where we encourage and inspire each other.

The course includes the Keystone Kickoff Workshop, which will set you up to win. Once you've finished the workshop you can request your buddy.

You have access to live coaching with me twice a week for one hour on Zoom, where we learn from and with each other for three months as part of your purchase.

Will 90 days be enough to establish this habit?

90 days will be enough to learn all the tools and gain the momentum necessary to make this a permanent part of your life.

With all habits there are natural fluctuations and it is expected that you "fall off the horse" at times.

What’s important is that you get back on it. That's what you’ll learn to master within this course. Building habits is a meta-skill that has the potential to impact each and every area of your life.

Some people might say you only need 28 days to establish a habit. Based on my experience and work with people, I believe this is too short and that's why this program runs for 90 days.

Is this time-zone specific?

This program is not limited to a certain location or time zone.

There are two group calls each week, one on Wednesday and the other on Sunday. Both calls happen at 17:30 London Time (12:30 New York time). These should work well for Europe, the UK and the US.

With your buddy you can check in at a time you both agree to.

Communication in our Facebook Group is asynchronous.

If this clashes with your schedule, but you would still like to join, we'll find a good solution. Feel free to contact me.

What if I can’t be there for the full duration of a call?

If you have another appointment or you need to take care of somebody else and you can’t be there for the full call, it’s still good if you show up. That way you can tap into the power of the group energy.

It’s better to be there for just a part of the call for than not show up at all.

We start our calls with the group coaching and there is going to be breakout room towards the end.

You are welcome regardless. We will find a way to get you involved and we are happy to have you join us at one or ideally both of our weekly calls!

Is there a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied?

You can cancel at any time during the 3-month period. Please contact me and complete the client exit form to cancel your enrollment.

If you're not absolutely blown away by the results that manifest in your life after three months, I don't want your money!

From a business standpoint this seems risky, but I'm confident this program will knock your socks off (to be precise you'll probably put your socks on as you make your way out the door each morning ;).

Do you offer any additional resources?

As a valued customer you gain access to all future updates to the Keystone Habit Course for free and can re-join the program at a later time for a discounted price, if you decide to freshen up.

I will be creating more content and support tailored to your specific questions and challenges.

Also feel free to follow me on my Instagram for daily inspiration.

Who are you?

I'm Lukas, a father, boyfriend and entrepreneur. I realized the significance of empowering rituals first during my own breakup and then with my clients while coaching fathers for ThrivingDad.

Since I was 18 I've been obsessed with personal development.

Over the years I studied under Anthony Robbins, Peter Sage, Bob Proctor, Brian Johnson and many other luminaries. I've explored improv, breathwork, Vipassana, NLP, hypnosis and various modalities for change.

Questions of peak performance and lifestyle design gnaw at my soul every day and I'm deeply passionate about teaching my son to speed read.

I'm obsessed with helping you establish Your Keystone Habit so you can take your life to the next level starting today.

Do you also work one-on-one?

Yes, as my capacity allows. Let's see if we are a fit. Please note that there's a paywall to ensure that you're serious and qualified. Click here.

How can I contact you?

Click here to contact me.

Once you join, you will have direct email access to me. I'm delighted to serve you and make this an amazing experience for you that you will remember for a long time!

Develop Resilience. Feel Empowered. Inspire.

Copyright © 2024 Lukas Weichselbaum. All Rights Reserved.

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